Friday, November 27, 2009

What we've been up to while I've not been posting

I went to bed at 12:30 last night, and got up at 3:50 to go shopping; so please be gracious if anything doesn't make sense in this post.

Enjoying spending time with the Chick's

If you know how to play this game you may laugh to see a 19 and 17 year-old playing it.

Marshall trying to drink water out of an empty glass.

We were blessed to meet the Durocher's and have them sing at our church.

If you would like to know more about their ministry, visit:

The ice off of the pond, hopefully we can skate soon!

Posted by Natasha Denny


Amanda said...

We had so much fun that night, Tash! And I'm VERY excited about the ice on the lake! : )

Hannah said...

Wow! Ice!!!!!!! Were you able to get a nap or sleep in or anything?