Thursday, November 12, 2009


Quick up-date on success in hunting.
This past Saturday Josiah got a 130 pound spike-horn, (buck of course).
This morning Dad got a doe and Seth got a 4-point buck.
Lance hasn't got one yet, and he's the one that needs to get one soon, because he's going to Virginia to sell Christmas tree's on the 22nd until Christmas Eve.
Posted by Natasha Denny


Amanda said...

Congrats to your dad and Seth! We'll be praying that Lance gets his before he has to leave!!

Hannah said...

Yayyy! Good job! Hopefully Lance will get one.

Carolj said...

Coooooool! Congratulations!

Vincent got a button buck. His first deer ever. I do hope he gets another one before the season is over.

GO LANCE. You can do it!!