Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Wonderful Lord's Day

 Stephanie and Tabitha Mello.
We've had a lot of fun with the Mello's and Barton's the past two weeks. Last night they and the Bartons came to our house at 11:30pm and got back at Seth for all the jokes he's played on them, by wrapping his car TP. He looked out the window this morning, saw what they did, and laughed:) 

 My favorite niece. (She will be my favorite until I get another:).

We have lunch with the church every week, and always have great fellowship.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

More of Abigail

Sorry the pictures are so bad, the lighting wasn't good, and I don't have a good flash that doesn't blind people, especially babies!

She's so cute!
 Three cousins-so far!
 Marshall loves her. He wanted to hold her a lot.

 Mom's parents came to see her while me and mom were there.

We are going on vacation this week so I won't be back for awhile probably.

Abigail Rose Denny

Abigail Rose was born to Lance and Hannah on the 29th. Both mother and baby are doing very well.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What we've been doing the past week

The Batons and Mello's have been up from MA for over a week, so we've spent a lot of time with them. 
 We really enjoyed racing around the island that they're staying on in boats. We flipped the kayaks a lot.
 At the lamp post.
 I love this picture of Marshall, he has chocolate on his face though:)
 Titi, he's such a ham!
 Marshall loves uncle Seth's ipod.
 The whole fam.
 Playing president with the Barton's and Mello's today.

This was earlier today.

So long, farewell.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Recording Studio

Editing the CD. We're pretty close to being done and then we'll send it away for mastering and copying. It's been a long process, much longer than we expected, but hopefully it will sound better than the last CD we made:)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

At The Rockland Breakwater (in Maine)

Saturday evening we went to a music store near the Rockland Breakwater. When the music store closed we decided to go to the breakwater. We didn't go all the way to the lighthouse though.
The breakwater is 1/2 a mile long.

uh oh,  Uncle Seth got his new shoes all wet!

 Daddy teaching son to skip rocks.
 Titus loved all the rocks.


Till next time,
God Bless!